Chiropractors are spinal health, joint, and disc specialists. We provide unique and specific solutions addressing these systems. We seek to find the source of dysfunction. We do so with a thorough a health history, physical examination, and x-ray analysis in order to detect and correct foundational deficits, such as pain or lack of function.
The results oriented difference lies within following a methodology with rules and repeatable results across all people of all ages. We find and correct unhealthy joints and leave healthy joints alone.
(health history, visualization, x-ray analysis, static/motion palpation, instrumentation) We determine what to adjust and how to adjust it to get you better, faster!
Online paperwork to be filled out.
Digital x-ray images taken and subject to analysis.
Physical assessment and screening of spinal joint health.
Specific, custom, and formulated adjustments are delivered, with post-evaluation performed.
The nervous system is a very intelligent and priceless gift of machinery that controls all function. Chiropractors are trained to find evidence of where there is lack of efficiency and injury and investigate further. The specific adjustment serves to restore normal biomechanical function so that the body can heal, perform at its highest ability, and restore freedom and function to you and your life.
Many people ask when and why should I see you? What if i don't have pain, should I come in? Can this really help? Other chiropractors didn't help!
The short answer is that we do not know if you have evidence of spinal injury. It is logical that we see a dentist to make sure that our teeth are clean and operating well, assessing dental health through exams and x-rays. It follows that you should see a foundational chiropractor to assess the health of your spine.
Injuries, even in childhood, can impact your overall spinal health and until we examine your spine, there is no easy way to tell if you are a candidate for chiropractic care.
Dr. Gonstead was special. He applied his engineering mind to the practice of chiropractic. He gifted this knowledge in the form of a book known as the chapters. By delivering the highest form of care to his patients, he developed a system and methodology that can be applied to all of his and future patients, from newborns to grandparents. He has to date, built the largest chiropractic clinic the world has ever seen, and chiropractors today are still looking to emulate him and employ his system to provide the best care to you, the patient.
To see is to know, and to not see is to guess.
By taking spinal images, there is no guesswork or confusion with your treatment. It is essential to take films in order to make sure we are doing the best possible work we can through our system of analysis. X-ray imagery helps us assess the health of your spinal joints and informs our strategy and methodology of how to accomplish the work to get you healthy.
We do not take x-rays of those who are pregnant or that of children due to the sensitivity of growing cells that may be affected by ionizing radiation.
Insurance is a paperwork intensive and complicated system to work for and within. I work for you. I understand if you can not afford to work outside of your benefits. Talk to me and we can come up with a solution. By working for myself, I am able to be present and work with you. I can provide a "superbill" to submit if your insurance carrier will reimburse you personally.
It was not until I started to have back spasms and unrelenting nerve pain during my chiropractic education that the importance of spinal health was revealed to me. By seeing a Gonstead practitioner, I was able to recover and maintain my health so I could then deliver the same level of chiropractic care to my community. This gift of receiving care that restored my freedom and function will never escape my memory. I will forever strive to be the best I can be to deliver results like I have benefited from.
I have always been fascinated by the largeness of the world and the systematic and mysterious ways it all works together. After attending two years at Santa Rosa Junior College, I completed my bachelors in Biology from Southern Oregon University where I came to appreciate all living systems. I then worked as a Massage Therapist in San Francisco before attending Life Chiropractic College West and receiving my Doctorate of Chiropractic.
I found my mentor doctor, Dr. Chad Bennis after a referral for my parents to be under Gonstead care. After hearing their reviews, I began interning at his office January of 2021 and have been learning and growing every day.
Being born in raised in Sonoma County, I am able to listen and provide for my community and am so fortunate to do so. I enjoy golfing, Mexican food, and exploring what makes this unique place so special.
145 Pleasant Hill Avenue North Suite 201, Sebastopol, California 95472, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |